# Installing Follow these steps to install everything required for the project to run. There is a script `setup.sh` on this repository. It will walk you through installing everything. It's not foolproof, so read carefully its prompts and give sensible answers. The script will declare the installation to have succeeded in the end. If you don't see a message confirming the script's success, something has likely gone wrong. After running the script there should be a new directory in the path you specified, named LYLLRuoka. This will be referenced to as the "BASE DIRECTORY" from now on. > `setup.sh` has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and requires `apt-get` to be available. ## Details about the prompts in setup.sh Below is more information about the information `setup.sh` will ask you. Take a look here if you are unsure what you should type in. * Install directory: this is the directory where LYLLRuoka should be installed. Supply an absolute path, ie. a path starting with `/`. You should have permissions to read, write and execute in the directory you give. The script will create the "BASE DIRECTORY" in the path you supply, and that directory will contain a folder with the server code and some things needed to run the server. If you are unsure, $HOME (supply as `/home/[username]` is a good choice. * MySQL username: `setup.sh` will install and configure a MySQL server. On the go it will create a user the server will use to access the `lyllruoka`-database created on the MySQL server. Here you should supply the desired username. Anything goes, really, as long as it is a valid MySQL username. Don't include any quotations or the hostname: these are added automatically. * TLS/SSL certificate: If you choose to let the script generate a self-signed certificate, it will ask a few questions detailed below. Remember to change the self-signed certificate to a certificate signed by a certificate authority. The certificate's private and public key should be placed in `["BASE DIRECTORY"]/Certificate/key.pem` and `["BASE DIRECTORY"]/cert.pem` respectively. * Common name: insert here the domain name where the server will server content, eg. `food.example.com`. Don't include the protocol (eg. `http://`) or any path (eg. `example.com/lorem`), * Email address: should be self explanatory. # Required data The server actually needs to know the food shifts somehow before it can actually serve them. After running the installation script mentioned above there should be a subdirectory called `Updation` in the "BASE DIRECTORY". It should contain three files: `shifts.txt`, `vanhalops.csv` and `uusilops.csv`. These files are empty, and you will have to populate them. This is data that should be updated in the beginning of every period. ## shifts.txt 1. Open Wilma: <https://lohja.inschool.fi> 2. Go to the message section. 3. Search the newest message with a header like "Periodin [some number] työpäivän keskimmäisen oppitunnin ruokailuvuorot ja oppitunti [date] alkaen" 4. Copy all the message contents starting from "MAANANTAISIN". 5. Paste it into `shifts.txt` 6. Profit. ## uusilops.csv and vanhalops.csv If there are students studying two separate curriculums, one newer and one older, you will have to do this for both files. If not, using either one will suffice. 1. Get the Kurssitarjotin for the appropriate curriculum from junu or somewhere else as a spreadsheet file 2. Open the file 3. Search the period we are in 4. Copy and paste all the data about that period into uusilops.csv or vanhalops.csv. You know which one. 5. The output should look something like this: ``` t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 UE11 KE11 BI11 GE11 RUB121 MAA31 ENA121 SAB321 TEKE SAKO LAMI PAHO MAOI JUMA VIHU B101R A101R B101R B103R A204R B202R A203R TH SAB221 BI12 KE31 UE12 RUB122 MAA32 FY33 RAB322 SABE PAHO MATI TEKE ANSU SAKO SALE A202R B103R A101R B105R B109R B203R B101R TH RUB123 MAA33 LI31 MU13 KU13 RAB321 HI52 VEB321 ANSU RIHO JUHO MAMY REOJ MASI JAJU B109R B202R B201R A201R B210R B105R TH HI42 MAB22 GE14 KU14 ÄI44 LI17 RUB124 JUSA JOTO PAHO REOJ VETU JUHO KAHU B106R B104R B103R A201R B107R B209R UE15 MAA34 TE15 BI15 RUB125 LI15 KU71 SATU MATI SATU HEIH KAHU ANSA REOJ B108R B203R B108R B110R B103R A201R FI81 PS22 FI16 KE16 UE16 RUB126 LI18 ALMA SATU ALMA MATI ALMA MAOI ANSA B105R B108R B105R A101R B105R A204R FY31 MAA35 KU17 RUB127 ÄI47 ENA37 ESRI SALE REOJ ANSU HAPA SABE B102R B101R A201R B109R B108R B106R MU81 ENA122 MU18 EAB331 RUA21 MAB21 KE18 MAMY VIHU MAMY VIHU SASA SAHE SAHE B201R A203R B201R A203R A202R B101R A101R FY111 LI31 FY32 GE18 MAB24 ESRI ANSA OLNU HEIH SAKO B102R B104R A102R B203R AT31 BI18 RIHO HEIH A201R A102R P E R I O D I IVB t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 UE11 KE21 BI11 GE11 RUB121 MAA41 ENA121 SAB321 TEKE SAKO LAMI PAHO MAOI JUMA VIHU B101R A101R B101R B103R A204R B202R A203R TH SAB221 BI12 KE31 UE12 RUB122 MAA42 FY33 RAB322 SABE PAHO MATI TEKE ANSU SAKO SALE A202R B103R A101R B105R B109R B203R B101R TH RUB123 MAA43 LI31 MU13 KU13 RAB321 HI52 VEB321 ANSU RIHO JUHO MAMY REOJ MASI JAJU B109R B202R B201R A201R B210R B105R TH HI42 MAB22 GE14 KU14 ÄI44 LI17 RUB124 JUSA JOTO PAHO REOJ VETU JUHO KAHU B106R B104R B103R A201R B107R B209R UE15 MAA44 TE15 BI15 RUB125 LI15 KU71 SATU MATI SATU HEIH KAHU ANSA REOJ B108R B203R B108R B110R B103R A201R FI81 PS22 FI16 KE26 UE16 RUB126 LI18 ALMA SATU ALMA MATI ALMA MAOI ANSA B105R B108R B105R A101R B105R A204R FY31 MAA45 KU17 RUB127 ÄI47 ENA37 ESRI SALE REOJ ANSU HAPA SABE B102R B101R A201R B109R B108R B106R MU81 ENA122 MU18 EAB331 RUA21 MAB21 KE28 MAMY VIHU MAMY VIHU SASA SAHE SAHE B201R A203R B201R A203R A202R B101R A101R FY111 LI32 FY32 GE18 MAB24 ESRI ANSA OLNU HEIH SAKO B102R B104R A102R B203R KU151 BI18 REOJ HEIH A201R A102R ``` The server isn't very picky about what area you have copy-pasted here. The only requirement is that there should be no data from other periods visible. Otherwise the server will use that data too. # Running Now that you have given all required data to the server, you can run it. In the "BASE DIRECTORY" there should be a directory named `LYLLRuoka` (yes, there are two nested directories with the same name). Enter that directory. See the file `server.js`? Good. Now, in this directory, run as root `node server.js`. The output should look like this: ``` Shifts and classes updated. Foods updated. Servers Up And Running! ``` Great! Now you have the server running. If you restart the server or close the terminal window or anything else, you will obviously have to restart the server. You can make the server run automatically on reboot. Add to **roots** crontab (run `sudo crontab -e`): ``` @reboot BASE_DIR='["BASE_DIRECTORY"]' ["BASE_DIRECTORY"]/LYLLRuoka/init.sh ``` For example: `@reboot BASE_DIR='/home/foobar/LYLLRuoka' /home/foobar/LYLLRuoka/LYLLRuoka/init.sh` If you need to troubleshoot the starting, you can find some logs in /tmp/slogs. Newest at the bottom. # Adding cool data that isn't required for the server to run ## Notifying of unusual food shifts (eg. during exams or vacations) Currently the notifications have to be added manually to the MySQL database. Here's an example: ``` USE lyllruoka; INSERT INTO exams VALUES ('2021-11-22', '2021-11-30', '<h2>Koeviikko</h2>22.11. - 30.11..<br>Kouluruokaa on tarjolla 10:45-11:30.'); ``` The first value in the parenthesis is the start date of the notification, the second the end date of the notification and the third value is the message to display. HTML is supported. The message will override the food shift result. ## Updating the developer table Updating the developer table is pretty straightforward. You just need to provide the name of the developer, a description (eg. "Improved the performance of the server") and contact information: ``` INSERT INTO devs (name, description, contact) VALUES ('[name]', '[description]', '[contact]'); ``` > Insert the values in the quotation marks, don't change the text before the `VALUES` keyword.