path: root/node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js
diff options
authorJoel Kronqvist <joel.h.kronqvist@gmail.com>2022-03-05 19:02:27 +0200
committerJoel Kronqvist <joel.h.kronqvist@gmail.com>2022-03-05 19:02:27 +0200
commit5d309ff52cd399a6b71968a6b9a70c8ac0b98981 (patch)
tree360f7eb50f956e2367ef38fa1fc6ac7ac5258042 /node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js
parentb500a50f1b97d93c98b36ed9a980f8188d648147 (diff)
Added node_modules for the updating to work properly.
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js b/node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9533ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/w3c-xmlserializer/lib/serialize.js
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+"use strict";
+const xnv = require("xml-name-validator");
+const attributeUtils = require("./attributes");
+const { NAMESPACES, VOID_ELEMENTS, NODE_TYPES } = require("./constants");
+const XML_CHAR = /^(\x09|\x0A|\x0D|[\x20-\uD7FF]|[\uE000-\uFFFD]|(?:[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]))*$/;
+const PUBID_CHAR = /^(\x20|\x0D|\x0A|[a-zA-Z0-9]|[-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%])*$/;
+function asciiCaseInsensitiveMatch(a, b) {
+ if (a.length !== b.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
+ if ((a.charCodeAt(i) | 32) !== (b.charCodeAt(i) | 32)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function recordNamespaceInformation(element, map, prefixMap) {
+ let defaultNamespaceAttrValue = null;
+ for (let i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; ++i) {
+ const attr = element.attributes[i];
+ if (attr.namespaceURI === NAMESPACES.XMLNS) {
+ if (attr.prefix === null) {
+ defaultNamespaceAttrValue = attr.value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ let namespaceDefinition = attr.value;
+ if (namespaceDefinition === NAMESPACES.XML) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // This is exactly the other way than the spec says, but that's intended.
+ // All the maps coalesce null to the empty string (explained in the
+ // spec), so instead of doing that every time, just do it once here.
+ if (namespaceDefinition === null) {
+ namespaceDefinition = "";
+ }
+ if (
+ namespaceDefinition in map &&
+ map[namespaceDefinition].includes(attr.localName)
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(namespaceDefinition in map)) {
+ map[namespaceDefinition] = [];
+ }
+ map[namespaceDefinition].push(attr.localName);
+ prefixMap[attr.localName] = namespaceDefinition;
+ }
+ }
+ return defaultNamespaceAttrValue;
+function serializeDocumentType(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed) {
+ if (requireWellFormed && !PUBID_CHAR.test(node.publicId)) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: document type node publicId is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ if (
+ requireWellFormed &&
+ (!XML_CHAR.test(node.systemId) ||
+ (node.systemId.includes('"') && node.systemId.includes("'")))
+ ) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: document type node systemId is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ let markup = `<!DOCTYPE ${node.name}`;
+ if (node.publicId !== "") {
+ markup += ` PUBLIC "${node.publicId}"`;
+ } else if (node.systemId !== "") {
+ markup += " SYSTEM";
+ }
+ if (node.systemId !== "") {
+ markup += ` "${node.systemId}"`;
+ }
+ return markup + ">";
+function serializeProcessingInstruction(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed
+) {
+ if (
+ requireWellFormed &&
+ (node.target.includes(":") || asciiCaseInsensitiveMatch(node.target, "xml"))
+ ) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: processing instruction node target is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ if (
+ requireWellFormed &&
+ (!XML_CHAR.test(node.data) || node.data.includes("?>"))
+ ) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: processing instruction node data is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ return `<?${node.target} ${node.data}?>`;
+function serializeDocument(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+) {
+ if (requireWellFormed && node.documentElement === null) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: document does not have a document element.");
+ }
+ let serializedDocument = "";
+ for (const child of node.childNodes) {
+ serializedDocument += xmlSerialization(
+ child,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ }
+ return serializedDocument;
+function serializeDocumentFragment(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+) {
+ let markup = "";
+ for (const child of node.childNodes) {
+ markup += xmlSerialization(
+ child,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ }
+ return markup;
+function serializeText(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed) {
+ if (requireWellFormed && !XML_CHAR.test(node.data)) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: text node data is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ return node.data
+ .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
+ .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
+ .replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
+function serializeComment(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed) {
+ if (requireWellFormed && !XML_CHAR.test(node.data)) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: comment node data is not well-formed.");
+ }
+ if (
+ requireWellFormed &&
+ (node.data.includes("--") || node.data.endsWith("-"))
+ ) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: found hyphens in illegal places in comment node data.");
+ }
+ return `<!--${node.data}-->`;
+function serializeElement(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed, refs) {
+ if (
+ requireWellFormed &&
+ (node.localName.includes(":") || !xnv.name(node.localName))
+ ) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: element node localName is not a valid XML name.");
+ }
+ let markup = "<";
+ let qualifiedName = "";
+ let skipEndTag = false;
+ let ignoreNamespaceDefinitionAttr = false;
+ const map = Object.assign({}, prefixMap);
+ const localPrefixesMap = Object.create(null);
+ const localDefaultNamespace = recordNamespaceInformation(
+ node,
+ map,
+ localPrefixesMap
+ );
+ let inheritedNs = namespace;
+ const ns = node.namespaceURI;
+ if (inheritedNs === ns) {
+ if (localDefaultNamespace !== null) {
+ ignoreNamespaceDefinitionAttr = true;
+ }
+ if (ns === NAMESPACES.XML) {
+ qualifiedName = "xml:" + node.localName;
+ } else {
+ qualifiedName = node.localName;
+ }
+ markup += qualifiedName;
+ } else {
+ let { prefix } = node;
+ let candidatePrefix = attributeUtils.preferredPrefixString(map, ns, prefix);
+ if (prefix === "xmlns") {
+ if (requireWellFormed) {
+ throw new Error("Failed to serialize XML: element nodes can't have a prefix of \"xmlns\".");
+ }
+ candidatePrefix = "xmlns";
+ }
+ if (candidatePrefix !== null) {
+ qualifiedName = candidatePrefix + ":" + node.localName;
+ if (
+ localDefaultNamespace !== null &&
+ localDefaultNamespace !== NAMESPACES.XML
+ ) {
+ inheritedNs =
+ localDefaultNamespace === "" ? null : localDefaultNamespace;
+ }
+ markup += qualifiedName;
+ } else if (prefix !== null) {
+ if (prefix in localPrefixesMap) {
+ prefix = attributeUtils.generatePrefix(map, ns, refs.prefixIndex++);
+ }
+ if (map[ns]) {
+ map[ns].push(prefix);
+ } else {
+ map[ns] = [prefix];
+ }
+ qualifiedName = prefix + ":" + node.localName;
+ markup += `${qualifiedName} xmlns:${prefix}="${attributeUtils.serializeAttributeValue(
+ ns,
+ requireWellFormed
+ )}"`;
+ if (localDefaultNamespace !== null) {
+ inheritedNs =
+ localDefaultNamespace === "" ? null : localDefaultNamespace;
+ }
+ } else if (localDefaultNamespace === null || localDefaultNamespace !== ns) {
+ ignoreNamespaceDefinitionAttr = true;
+ qualifiedName = node.localName;
+ inheritedNs = ns;
+ markup += `${qualifiedName} xmlns="${attributeUtils.serializeAttributeValue(
+ ns,
+ requireWellFormed
+ )}"`;
+ } else {
+ qualifiedName = node.localName;
+ inheritedNs = ns;
+ markup += qualifiedName;
+ }
+ }
+ markup += attributeUtils.serializeAttributes(
+ node,
+ map,
+ localPrefixesMap,
+ ignoreNamespaceDefinitionAttr,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ if (
+ node.childNodes.length === 0 &&
+ VOID_ELEMENTS.has(node.localName)
+ ) {
+ markup += " /";
+ skipEndTag = true;
+ } else if (ns !== NAMESPACES.HTML && node.childNodes.length === 0) {
+ markup += "/";
+ skipEndTag = true;
+ }
+ markup += ">";
+ if (skipEndTag) {
+ return markup;
+ }
+ if (ns === NAMESPACES.HTML && node.localName === "template") {
+ markup += xmlSerialization(
+ node.content,
+ inheritedNs,
+ map,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ } else {
+ for (const child of node.childNodes) {
+ markup += xmlSerialization(
+ child,
+ inheritedNs,
+ map,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ markup += `</${qualifiedName}>`;
+ return markup;
+function serializeCDATASection(node) {
+ return "<![CDATA[" + node.data + "]]>";
+ * @param {{prefixIndex: number}} refs
+ */
+function xmlSerialization(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed, refs) {
+ switch (node.nodeType) {
+ return serializeElement(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ return serializeDocument(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ return serializeComment(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed);
+ return serializeText(node, namespace, prefixMap, requireWellFormed);
+ return serializeDocumentFragment(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed,
+ refs
+ );
+ return serializeDocumentType(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed
+ );
+ return serializeProcessingInstruction(
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ prefixMap,
+ requireWellFormed
+ );
+ return "";
+ return serializeCDATASection(node);
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError("Failed to serialize XML: only Nodes can be serialized.");
+ }
+module.exports = (root, { requireWellFormed = false } = {}) => {
+ const namespacePrefixMap = Object.create(null);
+ namespacePrefixMap["http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"] = ["xml"];
+ return xmlSerialization(root, null, namespacePrefixMap, requireWellFormed, {
+ prefixIndex: 1
+ });