From 5d309ff52cd399a6b71968a6b9a70c8ac0b98981 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joel Kronqvist Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2022 19:02:27 +0200 Subject: Added node_modules for the updating to work properly. --- node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js | 462 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 462 insertions(+) create mode 100644 node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js (limited to 'node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js') diff --git a/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js b/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..892a398 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/cssstyle/lib/allProperties.js @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +'use strict'; + +// autogenerated - 4/29/2020 + +/* + * + * + */ + +module.exports = new Set([ + 'align-content', + 'align-items', + 'align-self', + 'alignment-baseline', + 'all', + 'animation', + 'animation-delay', + 'animation-direction', + 'animation-duration', + 'animation-fill-mode', + 'animation-iteration-count', + 'animation-name', + 'animation-play-state', + 'animation-timing-function', + 'appearance', + 'azimuth', + 'background', + 'background-attachment', + 'background-blend-mode', + 'background-clip', + 'background-color', + 'background-image', + 'background-origin', + 'background-position', + 'background-repeat', + 'background-size', + 'baseline-shift', + 'block-overflow', + 'block-size', + 'bookmark-label', + 'bookmark-level', + 'bookmark-state', + 'border', + 'border-block', + 'border-block-color', + 'border-block-end', + 'border-block-end-color', + 'border-block-end-style', + 'border-block-end-width', + 'border-block-start', + 'border-block-start-color', + 'border-block-start-style', + 'border-block-start-width', + 'border-block-style', + 'border-block-width', + 'border-bottom', + 'border-bottom-color', + 'border-bottom-left-radius', + 'border-bottom-right-radius', + 'border-bottom-style', + 'border-bottom-width', + 'border-boundary', + 'border-collapse', + 'border-color', + 'border-end-end-radius', + 'border-end-start-radius', + 'border-image', + 'border-image-outset', + 'border-image-repeat', + 'border-image-slice', + 'border-image-source', + 'border-image-width', + 'border-inline', + 'border-inline-color', + 'border-inline-end', + 'border-inline-end-color', + 'border-inline-end-style', + 'border-inline-end-width', + 'border-inline-start', + 'border-inline-start-color', + 'border-inline-start-style', + 'border-inline-start-width', + 'border-inline-style', + 'border-inline-width', + 'border-left', + 'border-left-color', + 'border-left-style', + 'border-left-width', + 'border-radius', + 'border-right', + 'border-right-color', + 'border-right-style', + 'border-right-width', + 'border-spacing', + 'border-start-end-radius', + 'border-start-start-radius', + 'border-style', + 'border-top', + 'border-top-color', + 'border-top-left-radius', + 'border-top-right-radius', + 'border-top-style', + 'border-top-width', + 'border-width', + 'bottom', + 'box-decoration-break', + 'box-shadow', + 'box-sizing', + 'box-snap', + 'break-after', + 'break-before', + 'break-inside', + 'caption-side', + 'caret', + 'caret-color', + 'caret-shape', + 'chains', + 'clear', + 'clip', + 'clip-path', + 'clip-rule', + 'color', + 'color-adjust', + 'color-interpolation-filters', + 'color-scheme', + 'column-count', + 'column-fill', + 'column-gap', + 'column-rule', + 'column-rule-color', + 'column-rule-style', + 'column-rule-width', + 'column-span', + 'column-width', + 'columns', + 'contain', + 'content', + 'continue', + 'counter-increment', + 'counter-reset', + 'counter-set', + 'cue', + 'cue-after', + 'cue-before', + 'cursor', + 'direction', + 'display', + 'dominant-baseline', + 'elevation', + 'empty-cells', + 'filter', + 'flex', + 'flex-basis', + 'flex-direction', + 'flex-flow', + 'flex-grow', + 'flex-shrink', + 'flex-wrap', + 'float', + 'flood-color', + 'flood-opacity', + 'flow', + 'flow-from', + 'flow-into', + 'font', + 'font-family', + 'font-feature-settings', + 'font-kerning', + 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'text-orientation', + 'text-overflow', + 'text-shadow', + 'text-space-collapse', + 'text-space-trim', + 'text-spacing', + 'text-transform', + 'text-underline-position', + 'text-wrap', + 'top', + 'transform', + 'transform-box', + 'transform-origin', + 'transition', + 'transition-delay', + 'transition-duration', + 'transition-property', + 'transition-timing-function', + 'unicode-bidi', + 'user-select', + 'vertical-align', + 'visibility', + 'voice-balance', + 'voice-duration', + 'voice-family', + 'voice-pitch', + 'voice-range', + 'voice-rate', + 'voice-stress', + 'voice-volume', + 'volume', + 'white-space', + 'widows', + 'width', + 'will-change', + 'word-boundary-detection', + 'word-boundary-expansion', + 'word-break', + 'word-spacing', + 'word-wrap', + 'wrap-after', + 'wrap-before', + 'wrap-flow', + 'wrap-inside', + 'wrap-through', + 'writing-mode', + 'z-index', +]); -- cgit v1.2.3