# Food-app Readme coming soon! ## Setup If you want to set up the server, you will have to get a SSL certificate or generate one yourself. If you want to run a dedicated server that can update, you also need to add the cron jobs from crontab\_add. You must create a MySQL DB and give its login info in ../dblogin.txt. The database should have the following tables set up: CREATE TABLE shiftnames ( day INT, id INT, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (day, id) ); CREATE TABLE classes ( course VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, class VARCHAR(4) ); CREATE TABLE shifts ( day INT, shift INT, course VARCHAR(6), teacher VARCHAR(4), class VARCHAR(4), PRIMARY KEY (day, course) ); CREATE TABLE devs ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(128), contact VARCHAR(40) );