const weekdayToNumber = require("./Functions/dateFuncs.js").weekdayToNumber; function getCharAmount(s, c) { let n = 0; for (let c_i = 0; c_i < s.length; c_i++) { n += +(s[c_i] === c); } return n; } function getNextChar(s, c, i = 0) { if (!(Number.isInteger(i) && (i >= 0))) return -1; for (; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i] === c) return i; } return -1; } function getNextLine(s, i) { i = getNextChar(s, "\n", i); i += +(i !== -1) * 1; return i; } function getToLineStartingWith(s, ss, start = 0) { if (!(Number.isInteger(start) && (start >= 0))) return -1 let i = start; do { if (s.substring(i, i + ss.length) === ss) break; i = getNextLine(s, i); } while(i !== -1) return i; } function findExpression(data, expr, start = 0) { if (start == -1) return -1; if (!(Number.isInteger(start) && (start >= 0))) throw new TypeError("Start must be a positive integer!"); if (typeof expr !== "string") return -1; while ((data.substring(start, start + expr.length) !== expr) && (start + expr.length < data.length)) start++; if (data.substring(start, start + expr.length) !== expr) return -1; return start; } function parseCluttered(s) { if (!(typeof s === "string")) return ""; return s.replaceAll(".", "").replaceAll(" ", "").toUpperCase(); } async function writeShifts(data, DB) { let deletions = await Promise.all([ DB.query_raw("DELETE FROM shifts"), DB.query_raw("DELETE FROM shiftnames") ]); const dbOperations = []; const shiftRegex = /((?:MAANANTAI|TIISTAI|KESKIVIIKKO|TORSTAI|PERJANTAI)?.*)\s*(RUOKAILU.*)\s*(.*)/gmi; const shifts = data.matchAll(shiftRegex); let weekday; let shiftId = 1; for(const shift of shifts) { if (shift[1] !== "") { weekday = weekdayToNumber(shift[1]); shiftId = 1; } dbOperations.push( writeShift(weekday, shiftId, shift[2], shift[3], DB) ); shiftId++; } await dbOperations; return 0; } async function writeShift(weekday, shiftId, shiftLine, courseLine, DB) { const dbOperations = []; // Shift names dbOperations.push( DB.execute( "INSERT INTO shiftnames VALUE (?, ?, ?)", [weekday, shiftId, shiftLine] ) ); // Shift contents const courseRegex = /(?:[a-ö]{2,3}\d{2,3} ?\+? ?)+ [a-ö]{4}/gi; const courses = courseLine.matchAll(courseRegex); for(const course of courses) { const _lastSpace = course[0].lastIndexOf(" "); const courseNames = course[0].substring(0, _lastSpace).split(/ ?\+ ?/); const teacherName = course[0].substring(_lastSpace + 1); // For loop is needed, because some courses are marked like KE16+KE26 MATI async function handleCourse(courseName, teacherName) { let className = await DB.execute( "SELECT class FROM classes WHERE course=?", [courseName] ); className = className[0]; if (className !== undefined) className = className.class; else className = null; dbOperations.push(DB.execute( `INSERT IGNORE INTO shifts VALUES (${weekday}, ${shiftId}, ?, ?, ?)`, [courseName, teacherName, className] )); } for(const courseName of courseNames) { dbOperations.push(handleCourse(courseName, teacherName)); } } await Promise.all(dbOperations); return 0; } async function getShift(day, index, DB) { let shift = DB.execute("SELECT name FROM shiftnames WHERE day = ? and id = (SELECT shift FROM shifts WHERE (day = ?) AND (course = ? OR teacher = ? OR class = ?) LIMIT 1)", [day, day, index, index, index]); let additional = DB.execute("SELECT course, teacher, class FROM shifts WHERE (day = ?) AND (course = ? OR teacher = ? OR class = ?)", [day, index, index, index]); [shift, additional] = await Promise.all([shift, additional]); if (shift.length !== 0) { shift.push(additional); return shift; } return undefined; } function getIndexType(index) { if (/^[A-Za-zåäöÅÄÖ]{2,3}\d{2,3}$/.test(index)) return "course"; if (/^[A-Za-zåäöÅÄÖ]{4}$/.test(index)) return "teacher"; if (/^\w\d{3}R?$/.test(index)) return "class"; } function randInt(start, stop) { return start + Math.floor(Math.random() * (stop - start)); } async function getRandomIndex(day, DB, depth=0) { if (depth > 10) return null; let indexes = await DB.execute("SELECT course, teacher, class FROM shifts WHERE day = ? ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", [day]); indexes = Object.values(indexes[0] || [null, null, null]); let start = randInt(0, indexes.length); for (let test = 0; test < 3; test++) { let i = (start + test) % indexes.length; if (indexes[i] !== null) return indexes[i]; } console.log("Warning: row without class/teacher/course in database!"); return getRandomIndex(day, DB, depth + 1); } exports.indexType = getIndexType; exports.cluttered = parseCluttered; = writeShifts; exports.get = getShift; exports.randomIndex = getRandomIndex; exports.find = findExpression; exports.getNextChar = getNextChar;