'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.runCLI = runCLI; function _chalk() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); _chalk = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _exit() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('exit')); _exit = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _rimraf() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('rimraf')); _rimraf = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _console() { const data = require('@jest/console'); _console = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestConfig() { const data = require('jest-config'); _jestConfig = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestRuntime() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-runtime')); _jestRuntime = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestUtil() { const data = require('jest-util'); _jestUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _TestWatcher = _interopRequireDefault(require('../TestWatcher')); var _collectHandles = require('../collectHandles'); var _getChangedFilesPromise = _interopRequireDefault( require('../getChangedFilesPromise') ); var _getConfigsOfProjectsToRun = _interopRequireDefault( require('../getConfigsOfProjectsToRun') ); var _getProjectNamesMissingWarning = _interopRequireDefault( require('../getProjectNamesMissingWarning') ); var _getSelectProjectsMessage = _interopRequireDefault( require('../getSelectProjectsMessage') ); var _createContext = _interopRequireDefault(require('../lib/createContext')); var _handleDeprecationWarnings = _interopRequireDefault( require('../lib/handleDeprecationWarnings') ); var _logDebugMessages = _interopRequireDefault( require('../lib/logDebugMessages') ); var _pluralize = _interopRequireDefault(require('../pluralize')); var _runJest = _interopRequireDefault(require('../runJest')); var _watch = _interopRequireDefault(require('../watch')); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const {print: preRunMessagePrint} = _jestUtil().preRunMessage; async function runCLI(argv, projects) { let results; // If we output a JSON object, we can't write anything to stdout, since // it'll break the JSON structure and it won't be valid. const outputStream = argv.json || argv.useStderr ? process.stderr : process.stdout; const {globalConfig, configs, hasDeprecationWarnings} = await (0, _jestConfig().readConfigs)(argv, projects); if (argv.debug) { (0, _logDebugMessages.default)(globalConfig, configs, outputStream); } if (argv.showConfig) { (0, _logDebugMessages.default)(globalConfig, configs, process.stdout); (0, _exit().default)(0); } if (argv.clearCache) { configs.forEach(config => { _rimraf().default.sync(config.cacheDirectory); process.stdout.write(`Cleared ${config.cacheDirectory}\n`); }); (0, _exit().default)(0); } let configsOfProjectsToRun = configs; if (argv.selectProjects) { const namesMissingWarning = (0, _getProjectNamesMissingWarning.default)( configs ); if (namesMissingWarning) { outputStream.write(namesMissingWarning); } configsOfProjectsToRun = (0, _getConfigsOfProjectsToRun.default)( argv.selectProjects, configs ); outputStream.write( (0, _getSelectProjectsMessage.default)(configsOfProjectsToRun) ); } await _run10000( globalConfig, configsOfProjectsToRun, hasDeprecationWarnings, outputStream, r => { results = r; } ); if (argv.watch || argv.watchAll) { // If in watch mode, return the promise that will never resolve. // If the watch mode is interrupted, watch should handle the process // shutdown. return new Promise(() => {}); } if (!results) { throw new Error( 'AggregatedResult must be present after test run is complete' ); } const {openHandles} = results; if (openHandles && openHandles.length) { const formatted = (0, _collectHandles.formatHandleErrors)( openHandles, configs[0] ); const openHandlesString = (0, _pluralize.default)( 'open handle', formatted.length, 's' ); const message = _chalk().default.red( `\nJest has detected the following ${openHandlesString} potentially keeping Jest from exiting:\n\n` ) + formatted.join('\n\n'); console.error(message); } return { globalConfig, results }; } const buildContextsAndHasteMaps = async ( configs, globalConfig, outputStream ) => { const hasteMapInstances = Array(configs.length); const contexts = await Promise.all( configs.map(async (config, index) => { (0, _jestUtil().createDirectory)(config.cacheDirectory); const hasteMapInstance = _jestRuntime().default.createHasteMap(config, { console: new (_console().CustomConsole)(outputStream, outputStream), maxWorkers: Math.max( 1, Math.floor(globalConfig.maxWorkers / configs.length) ), resetCache: !config.cache, watch: globalConfig.watch || globalConfig.watchAll, watchman: globalConfig.watchman }); hasteMapInstances[index] = hasteMapInstance; return (0, _createContext.default)( config, await hasteMapInstance.build() ); }) ); return { contexts, hasteMapInstances }; }; const _run10000 = async ( globalConfig, configs, hasDeprecationWarnings, outputStream, onComplete ) => { // Queries to hg/git can take a while, so we need to start the process // as soon as possible, so by the time we need the result it's already there. const changedFilesPromise = (0, _getChangedFilesPromise.default)( globalConfig, configs ); // Filter may need to do an HTTP call or something similar to setup. // We will wait on an async response from this before using the filter. let filter; if (globalConfig.filter && !globalConfig.skipFilter) { const rawFilter = require(globalConfig.filter); let filterSetupPromise; if (rawFilter.setup) { // Wrap filter setup Promise to avoid "uncaught Promise" error. // If an error is returned, we surface it in the return value. filterSetupPromise = (async () => { try { await rawFilter.setup(); } catch (err) { return err; } return undefined; })(); } filter = async testPaths => { if (filterSetupPromise) { // Expect an undefined return value unless there was an error. const err = await filterSetupPromise; if (err) { throw err; } } return rawFilter(testPaths); }; } const {contexts, hasteMapInstances} = await buildContextsAndHasteMaps( configs, globalConfig, outputStream ); globalConfig.watch || globalConfig.watchAll ? await runWatch( contexts, configs, hasDeprecationWarnings, globalConfig, outputStream, hasteMapInstances, filter ) : await runWithoutWatch( globalConfig, contexts, outputStream, onComplete, changedFilesPromise, filter ); }; const runWatch = async ( contexts, _configs, hasDeprecationWarnings, globalConfig, outputStream, hasteMapInstances, filter ) => { if (hasDeprecationWarnings) { try { await (0, _handleDeprecationWarnings.default)( outputStream, process.stdin ); return (0, _watch.default)( globalConfig, contexts, outputStream, hasteMapInstances, undefined, undefined, filter ); } catch { (0, _exit().default)(0); } } return (0, _watch.default)( globalConfig, contexts, outputStream, hasteMapInstances, undefined, undefined, filter ); }; const runWithoutWatch = async ( globalConfig, contexts, outputStream, onComplete, changedFilesPromise, filter ) => { const startRun = async () => { if (!globalConfig.listTests) { preRunMessagePrint(outputStream); } return (0, _runJest.default)({ changedFilesPromise, contexts, failedTestsCache: undefined, filter, globalConfig, onComplete, outputStream, startRun, testWatcher: new _TestWatcher.default({ isWatchMode: false }) }); }; return startRun(); };