'use strict';

Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
  value: true
exports.replacePathSepForRegex =
  exports.escapeStrForRegex =
  exports.escapePathForRegex =
    void 0;

var _path = require('path');

 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const escapePathForRegex = dir => {
  if (_path.sep === '\\') {
    // Replace "\" with "/" so it's not escaped by escapeStrForRegex.
    // replacePathSepForRegex will convert it back.
    dir = dir.replace(/\\/g, '/');

  return replacePathSepForRegex(escapeStrForRegex(dir));

exports.escapePathForRegex = escapePathForRegex;

const escapeStrForRegex = string =>
  string.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, '\\$&');

exports.escapeStrForRegex = escapeStrForRegex;

const replacePathSepForRegex = string => {
  if (_path.sep === '\\') {
    return string.replace(
      (_match, _, p2) => (p2 && p2 !== '\\' ? p2 + '\\\\' : '\\\\')

  return string;

exports.replacePathSepForRegex = replacePathSepForRegex;