package o1game.Server // TODO: TLS/SSL / import import import java.lang.Thread.sleep import{ServerSocket, Socket} import o1game.constants.* /** `Server` exists to initialize a server for the game * and run it with its method `startServer`. */ class Server(port: Int, maxClients: Int): private val socket = ServerSocket(port) private val clientGetter = ConnectionGetter(socket) private val clients: Clients = Clients(maxClients) private val buffer: Array[Byte] = Array.ofDim(1024) private var bufferIndex = 0 /** Starts the server. Won't terminate under normal circumstances. */ def startServer(): Unit = while true do sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) this.receiveNewClient() this.writeToAll("Test message.") this.readFromAll() clients.foreach(_.executeActions()) /** Receives a new client and stores it in `clients`. * * @return describes if a client was added */ private def receiveNewClient(): Boolean = clientGetter.newClient() match case Some(c) => clients.addClient(Client(c, None)) true case None => false /** Sends `message` to all clients * * @param message the message to send */ private def writeToAll(message: String): Unit = clients.mapAndRemove(c => val output = c.socket.getOutputStream output.write( output.flush() ) /** Reads data sent by clients and stores it in the `Client`s of `clients` */ private def readFromAll(): Unit = clients.mapAndRemove(c => val input = c.socket.getInputStream while input.available() != 0 do val bytesRead = if bytesRead != -1 then c.receiveData(buffer.take(bytesRead).toVector) ) end Server