package scalevalapokalypsi import scalevalapokalypsi.Client.newClient import scalevalapokalypsi.Server.Server import java.lang.Thread import scala.concurrent.Future import import // TODO: add proper logic for starting the game @main def main(): Unit = print("How do you want to play?\n1) Host and join local game\n2) Join local game\n> ") readLine().toIntOption match case Some(1) => Thread(() => new Server(2267, 5, 30, true).startServer()).start() println("Server started in background.") print("Choose a name:\n> ") val name = readLine() newClient(name, "", 2267).map(_.startClient()) case Some(2) => print("Choose a name:\n> ") val name = readLine() newClient(name, "", 2267).map(_.startClient()) case _ => println("Invalid input")