path: root/node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js
diff options
authorJoel Kronqvist <work.joelkronqvist@pm.me>2022-03-11 20:46:06 +0200
committerJoel Kronqvist <work.joelkronqvist@pm.me>2022-03-11 20:46:06 +0200
commit080c5819d87b933816d724a83f3bf4f1686770a7 (patch)
tree4a2ccc68b27edf7d4cbc586c932cc7542b655e19 /node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js
parent5ac7049a9d30733165cc212dee308163c2a14644 (diff)
parentd003b82235a9329f912522a2f70aa950dfce4998 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/JoelHMikael/FoodJS
Updating remote changes
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js')
1 files changed, 1161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js b/node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9a59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/argparse/lib/argument_parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+ * class ArgumentParser
+ *
+ * Object for parsing command line strings into js objects.
+ *
+ * Inherited from [[ActionContainer]]
+ **/
+'use strict';
+var util = require('util');
+var format = require('util').format;
+var Path = require('path');
+var sprintf = require('sprintf-js').sprintf;
+// Constants
+var c = require('./const');
+var $$ = require('./utils');
+var ActionContainer = require('./action_container');
+// Errors
+var argumentErrorHelper = require('./argument/error');
+var HelpFormatter = require('./help/formatter');
+var Namespace = require('./namespace');
+ * new ArgumentParser(options)
+ *
+ * Create a new ArgumentParser object.
+ *
+ * ##### Options:
+ * - `prog` The name of the program (default: Path.basename(process.argv[1]))
+ * - `usage` A usage message (default: auto-generated from arguments)
+ * - `description` A description of what the program does
+ * - `epilog` Text following the argument descriptions
+ * - `parents` Parsers whose arguments should be copied into this one
+ * - `formatterClass` HelpFormatter class for printing help messages
+ * - `prefixChars` Characters that prefix optional arguments
+ * - `fromfilePrefixChars` Characters that prefix files containing additional arguments
+ * - `argumentDefault` The default value for all arguments
+ * - `addHelp` Add a -h/-help option
+ * - `conflictHandler` Specifies how to handle conflicting argument names
+ * - `debug` Enable debug mode. Argument errors throw exception in
+ * debug mode and process.exit in normal. Used for development and
+ * testing (default: false)
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#argumentparser-objects
+ **/
+function ArgumentParser(options) {
+ if (!(this instanceof ArgumentParser)) {
+ return new ArgumentParser(options);
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ options = options || {};
+ options.description = (options.description || null);
+ options.argumentDefault = (options.argumentDefault || null);
+ options.prefixChars = (options.prefixChars || '-');
+ options.conflictHandler = (options.conflictHandler || 'error');
+ ActionContainer.call(this, options);
+ options.addHelp = typeof options.addHelp === 'undefined' || !!options.addHelp;
+ options.parents = options.parents || [];
+ // default program name
+ options.prog = (options.prog || Path.basename(process.argv[1]));
+ this.prog = options.prog;
+ this.usage = options.usage;
+ this.epilog = options.epilog;
+ this.version = options.version;
+ this.debug = (options.debug === true);
+ this.formatterClass = (options.formatterClass || HelpFormatter);
+ this.fromfilePrefixChars = options.fromfilePrefixChars || null;
+ this._positionals = this.addArgumentGroup({ title: 'Positional arguments' });
+ this._optionals = this.addArgumentGroup({ title: 'Optional arguments' });
+ this._subparsers = null;
+ // register types
+ function FUNCTION_IDENTITY(o) {
+ return o;
+ }
+ this.register('type', 'auto', FUNCTION_IDENTITY);
+ this.register('type', null, FUNCTION_IDENTITY);
+ this.register('type', 'int', function (x) {
+ var result = parseInt(x, 10);
+ if (isNaN(result)) {
+ throw new Error(x + ' is not a valid integer.');
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ this.register('type', 'float', function (x) {
+ var result = parseFloat(x);
+ if (isNaN(result)) {
+ throw new Error(x + ' is not a valid float.');
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ this.register('type', 'string', function (x) {
+ return '' + x;
+ });
+ // add help and version arguments if necessary
+ var defaultPrefix = (this.prefixChars.indexOf('-') > -1) ? '-' : this.prefixChars[0];
+ if (options.addHelp) {
+ this.addArgument(
+ [ defaultPrefix + 'h', defaultPrefix + defaultPrefix + 'help' ],
+ {
+ action: 'help',
+ defaultValue: c.SUPPRESS,
+ help: 'Show this help message and exit.'
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if (typeof this.version !== 'undefined') {
+ this.addArgument(
+ [ defaultPrefix + 'v', defaultPrefix + defaultPrefix + 'version' ],
+ {
+ action: 'version',
+ version: this.version,
+ defaultValue: c.SUPPRESS,
+ help: "Show program's version number and exit."
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // add parent arguments and defaults
+ options.parents.forEach(function (parent) {
+ self._addContainerActions(parent);
+ if (typeof parent._defaults !== 'undefined') {
+ for (var defaultKey in parent._defaults) {
+ if (parent._defaults.hasOwnProperty(defaultKey)) {
+ self._defaults[defaultKey] = parent._defaults[defaultKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+util.inherits(ArgumentParser, ActionContainer);
+ * ArgumentParser#addSubparsers(options) -> [[ActionSubparsers]]
+ * - options (object): hash of options see [[ActionSubparsers.new]]
+ *
+ * See also [subcommands][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#sub-commands
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.addSubparsers = function (options) {
+ if (this._subparsers) {
+ this.error('Cannot have multiple subparser arguments.');
+ }
+ options = options || {};
+ options.debug = (this.debug === true);
+ options.optionStrings = [];
+ options.parserClass = (options.parserClass || ArgumentParser);
+ if (!!options.title || !!options.description) {
+ this._subparsers = this.addArgumentGroup({
+ title: (options.title || 'subcommands'),
+ description: options.description
+ });
+ delete options.title;
+ delete options.description;
+ } else {
+ this._subparsers = this._positionals;
+ }
+ // prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping
+ // optional arguments and with no "usage:" prefix
+ if (!options.prog) {
+ var formatter = this._getFormatter();
+ var positionals = this._getPositionalActions();
+ var groups = this._mutuallyExclusiveGroups;
+ formatter.addUsage(this.usage, positionals, groups, '');
+ options.prog = formatter.formatHelp().trim();
+ }
+ // create the parsers action and add it to the positionals list
+ var ParsersClass = this._popActionClass(options, 'parsers');
+ var action = new ParsersClass(options);
+ this._subparsers._addAction(action);
+ // return the created parsers action
+ return action;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._addAction = function (action) {
+ if (action.isOptional()) {
+ this._optionals._addAction(action);
+ } else {
+ this._positionals._addAction(action);
+ }
+ return action;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getOptionalActions = function () {
+ return this._actions.filter(function (action) {
+ return action.isOptional();
+ });
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getPositionalActions = function () {
+ return this._actions.filter(function (action) {
+ return action.isPositional();
+ });
+ * ArgumentParser#parseArgs(args, namespace) -> Namespace|Object
+ * - args (array): input elements
+ * - namespace (Namespace|Object): result object
+ *
+ * Parsed args and throws error if some arguments are not recognized
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#the-parse-args-method
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.parseArgs = function (args, namespace) {
+ var argv;
+ var result = this.parseKnownArgs(args, namespace);
+ args = result[0];
+ argv = result[1];
+ if (argv && argv.length > 0) {
+ this.error(
+ format('Unrecognized arguments: %s.', argv.join(' '))
+ );
+ }
+ return args;
+ * ArgumentParser#parseKnownArgs(args, namespace) -> array
+ * - args (array): input options
+ * - namespace (Namespace|Object): result object
+ *
+ * Parse known arguments and return tuple of result object
+ * and unknown args
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#partial-parsing
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.parseKnownArgs = function (args, namespace) {
+ var self = this;
+ // args default to the system args
+ args = args || process.argv.slice(2);
+ // default Namespace built from parser defaults
+ namespace = namespace || new Namespace();
+ self._actions.forEach(function (action) {
+ if (action.dest !== c.SUPPRESS) {
+ if (!$$.has(namespace, action.dest)) {
+ if (action.defaultValue !== c.SUPPRESS) {
+ var defaultValue = action.defaultValue;
+ if (typeof action.defaultValue === 'string') {
+ defaultValue = self._getValue(action, defaultValue);
+ }
+ namespace[action.dest] = defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Object.keys(self._defaults).forEach(function (dest) {
+ namespace[dest] = self._defaults[dest];
+ });
+ // parse the arguments and exit if there are any errors
+ try {
+ var res = this._parseKnownArgs(args, namespace);
+ namespace = res[0];
+ args = res[1];
+ if ($$.has(namespace, c._UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR)) {
+ args = $$.arrayUnion(args, namespace[c._UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR]);
+ delete namespace[c._UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR];
+ }
+ return [ namespace, args ];
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.error(e);
+ }
+ArgumentParser.prototype._parseKnownArgs = function (argStrings, namespace) {
+ var self = this;
+ var extras = [];
+ // replace arg strings that are file references
+ if (this.fromfilePrefixChars !== null) {
+ argStrings = this._readArgsFromFiles(argStrings);
+ }
+ // map all mutually exclusive arguments to the other arguments
+ // they can't occur with
+ // Python has 'conflicts = action_conflicts.setdefault(mutex_action, [])'
+ // though I can't conceive of a way in which an action could be a member
+ // of two different mutually exclusive groups.
+ function actionHash(action) {
+ // some sort of hashable key for this action
+ // action itself cannot be a key in actionConflicts
+ // I think getName() (join of optionStrings) is unique enough
+ return action.getName();
+ }
+ var conflicts, key;
+ var actionConflicts = {};
+ this._mutuallyExclusiveGroups.forEach(function (mutexGroup) {
+ mutexGroup._groupActions.forEach(function (mutexAction, i, groupActions) {
+ key = actionHash(mutexAction);
+ if (!$$.has(actionConflicts, key)) {
+ actionConflicts[key] = [];
+ }
+ conflicts = actionConflicts[key];
+ conflicts.push.apply(conflicts, groupActions.slice(0, i));
+ conflicts.push.apply(conflicts, groupActions.slice(i + 1));
+ });
+ });
+ // find all option indices, and determine the arg_string_pattern
+ // which has an 'O' if there is an option at an index,
+ // an 'A' if there is an argument, or a '-' if there is a '--'
+ var optionStringIndices = {};
+ var argStringPatternParts = [];
+ argStrings.forEach(function (argString, argStringIndex) {
+ if (argString === '--') {
+ argStringPatternParts.push('-');
+ while (argStringIndex < argStrings.length) {
+ argStringPatternParts.push('A');
+ argStringIndex++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, add the arg to the arg strings
+ // and note the index if it was an option
+ var pattern;
+ var optionTuple = self._parseOptional(argString);
+ if (!optionTuple) {
+ pattern = 'A';
+ } else {
+ optionStringIndices[argStringIndex] = optionTuple;
+ pattern = 'O';
+ }
+ argStringPatternParts.push(pattern);
+ }
+ });
+ var argStringsPattern = argStringPatternParts.join('');
+ var seenActions = [];
+ var seenNonDefaultActions = [];
+ function takeAction(action, argumentStrings, optionString) {
+ seenActions.push(action);
+ var argumentValues = self._getValues(action, argumentStrings);
+ // error if this argument is not allowed with other previously
+ // seen arguments, assuming that actions that use the default
+ // value don't really count as "present"
+ if (argumentValues !== action.defaultValue) {
+ seenNonDefaultActions.push(action);
+ if (actionConflicts[actionHash(action)]) {
+ actionConflicts[actionHash(action)].forEach(function (actionConflict) {
+ if (seenNonDefaultActions.indexOf(actionConflict) >= 0) {
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(
+ action,
+ format('Not allowed with argument "%s".', actionConflict.getName())
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (argumentValues !== c.SUPPRESS) {
+ action.call(self, namespace, argumentValues, optionString);
+ }
+ }
+ function consumeOptional(startIndex) {
+ // get the optional identified at this index
+ var optionTuple = optionStringIndices[startIndex];
+ var action = optionTuple[0];
+ var optionString = optionTuple[1];
+ var explicitArg = optionTuple[2];
+ // identify additional optionals in the same arg string
+ // (e.g. -xyz is the same as -x -y -z if no args are required)
+ var actionTuples = [];
+ var args, argCount, start, stop;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!action) {
+ extras.push(argStrings[startIndex]);
+ return startIndex + 1;
+ }
+ if (explicitArg) {
+ argCount = self._matchArgument(action, 'A');
+ // if the action is a single-dash option and takes no
+ // arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out
+ // of the tail of the option string
+ var chars = self.prefixChars;
+ if (argCount === 0 && chars.indexOf(optionString[1]) < 0) {
+ actionTuples.push([ action, [], optionString ]);
+ optionString = optionString[0] + explicitArg[0];
+ var newExplicitArg = explicitArg.slice(1) || null;
+ var optionalsMap = self._optionStringActions;
+ if (Object.keys(optionalsMap).indexOf(optionString) >= 0) {
+ action = optionalsMap[optionString];
+ explicitArg = newExplicitArg;
+ } else {
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(action, sprintf('ignored explicit argument %r', explicitArg));
+ }
+ } else if (argCount === 1) {
+ // if the action expect exactly one argument, we've
+ // successfully matched the option; exit the loop
+ stop = startIndex + 1;
+ args = [ explicitArg ];
+ actionTuples.push([ action, args, optionString ]);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // error if a double-dash option did not use the
+ // explicit argument
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(action, sprintf('ignored explicit argument %r', explicitArg));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if there is no explicit argument, try to match the
+ // optional's string arguments with the following strings
+ // if successful, exit the loop
+ start = startIndex + 1;
+ var selectedPatterns = argStringsPattern.substr(start);
+ argCount = self._matchArgument(action, selectedPatterns);
+ stop = start + argCount;
+ args = argStrings.slice(start, stop);
+ actionTuples.push([ action, args, optionString ]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add the Optional to the list and return the index at which
+ // the Optional's string args stopped
+ if (actionTuples.length < 1) {
+ throw new Error('length should be > 0');
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < actionTuples.length; i++) {
+ takeAction.apply(self, actionTuples[i]);
+ }
+ return stop;
+ }
+ // the list of Positionals left to be parsed; this is modified
+ // by consume_positionals()
+ var positionals = self._getPositionalActions();
+ function consumePositionals(startIndex) {
+ // match as many Positionals as possible
+ var selectedPattern = argStringsPattern.substr(startIndex);
+ var argCounts = self._matchArgumentsPartial(positionals, selectedPattern);
+ // slice off the appropriate arg strings for each Positional
+ // and add the Positional and its args to the list
+ for (var i = 0; i < positionals.length; i++) {
+ var action = positionals[i];
+ var argCount = argCounts[i];
+ if (typeof argCount === 'undefined') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var args = argStrings.slice(startIndex, startIndex + argCount);
+ startIndex += argCount;
+ takeAction(action, args);
+ }
+ // slice off the Positionals that we just parsed and return the
+ // index at which the Positionals' string args stopped
+ positionals = positionals.slice(argCounts.length);
+ return startIndex;
+ }
+ // consume Positionals and Optionals alternately, until we have
+ // passed the last option string
+ var startIndex = 0;
+ var position;
+ var maxOptionStringIndex = -1;
+ Object.keys(optionStringIndices).forEach(function (position) {
+ maxOptionStringIndex = Math.max(maxOptionStringIndex, parseInt(position, 10));
+ });
+ var positionalsEndIndex, nextOptionStringIndex;
+ while (startIndex <= maxOptionStringIndex) {
+ // consume any Positionals preceding the next option
+ nextOptionStringIndex = null;
+ for (position in optionStringIndices) {
+ if (!optionStringIndices.hasOwnProperty(position)) { continue; }
+ position = parseInt(position, 10);
+ if (position >= startIndex) {
+ if (nextOptionStringIndex !== null) {
+ nextOptionStringIndex = Math.min(nextOptionStringIndex, position);
+ } else {
+ nextOptionStringIndex = position;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (startIndex !== nextOptionStringIndex) {
+ positionalsEndIndex = consumePositionals(startIndex);
+ // only try to parse the next optional if we didn't consume
+ // the option string during the positionals parsing
+ if (positionalsEndIndex > startIndex) {
+ startIndex = positionalsEndIndex;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ startIndex = positionalsEndIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we consumed all the positionals we could and we're not
+ // at the index of an option string, there were extra arguments
+ if (!optionStringIndices[startIndex]) {
+ var strings = argStrings.slice(startIndex, nextOptionStringIndex);
+ extras = extras.concat(strings);
+ startIndex = nextOptionStringIndex;
+ }
+ // consume the next optional and any arguments for it
+ startIndex = consumeOptional(startIndex);
+ }
+ // consume any positionals following the last Optional
+ var stopIndex = consumePositionals(startIndex);
+ // if we didn't consume all the argument strings, there were extras
+ extras = extras.concat(argStrings.slice(stopIndex));
+ // if we didn't use all the Positional objects, there were too few
+ // arg strings supplied.
+ if (positionals.length > 0) {
+ self.error('too few arguments');
+ }
+ // make sure all required actions were present
+ self._actions.forEach(function (action) {
+ if (action.required) {
+ if (seenActions.indexOf(action) < 0) {
+ self.error(format('Argument "%s" is required', action.getName()));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // make sure all required groups have one option present
+ var actionUsed = false;
+ self._mutuallyExclusiveGroups.forEach(function (group) {
+ if (group.required) {
+ actionUsed = group._groupActions.some(function (action) {
+ return seenNonDefaultActions.indexOf(action) !== -1;
+ });
+ // if no actions were used, report the error
+ if (!actionUsed) {
+ var names = [];
+ group._groupActions.forEach(function (action) {
+ if (action.help !== c.SUPPRESS) {
+ names.push(action.getName());
+ }
+ });
+ names = names.join(' ');
+ var msg = 'one of the arguments ' + names + ' is required';
+ self.error(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // return the updated namespace and the extra arguments
+ return [ namespace, extras ];
+ArgumentParser.prototype._readArgsFromFiles = function (argStrings) {
+ // expand arguments referencing files
+ var self = this;
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ var newArgStrings = [];
+ argStrings.forEach(function (argString) {
+ if (self.fromfilePrefixChars.indexOf(argString[0]) < 0) {
+ // for regular arguments, just add them back into the list
+ newArgStrings.push(argString);
+ } else {
+ // replace arguments referencing files with the file content
+ try {
+ var argstrs = [];
+ var filename = argString.slice(1);
+ var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
+ content = content.trim().split('\n');
+ content.forEach(function (argLine) {
+ self.convertArgLineToArgs(argLine).forEach(function (arg) {
+ argstrs.push(arg);
+ });
+ argstrs = self._readArgsFromFiles(argstrs);
+ });
+ newArgStrings.push.apply(newArgStrings, argstrs);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return self.error(error.message);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return newArgStrings;
+ArgumentParser.prototype.convertArgLineToArgs = function (argLine) {
+ return [ argLine ];
+ArgumentParser.prototype._matchArgument = function (action, regexpArgStrings) {
+ // match the pattern for this action to the arg strings
+ var regexpNargs = new RegExp('^' + this._getNargsPattern(action));
+ var matches = regexpArgStrings.match(regexpNargs);
+ var message;
+ // throw an exception if we weren't able to find a match
+ if (!matches) {
+ switch (action.nargs) {
+ /*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
+ case undefined:
+ case null:
+ message = 'Expected one argument.';
+ break;
+ case c.OPTIONAL:
+ message = 'Expected at most one argument.';
+ break;
+ case c.ONE_OR_MORE:
+ message = 'Expected at least one argument.';
+ break;
+ default:
+ message = 'Expected %s argument(s)';
+ }
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(
+ action,
+ format(message, action.nargs)
+ );
+ }
+ // return the number of arguments matched
+ return matches[1].length;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._matchArgumentsPartial = function (actions, regexpArgStrings) {
+ // progressively shorten the actions list by slicing off the
+ // final actions until we find a match
+ var self = this;
+ var result = [];
+ var actionSlice, pattern, matches;
+ var i, j;
+ function getLength(string) {
+ return string.length;
+ }
+ for (i = actions.length; i > 0; i--) {
+ pattern = '';
+ actionSlice = actions.slice(0, i);
+ for (j = 0; j < actionSlice.length; j++) {
+ pattern += self._getNargsPattern(actionSlice[j]);
+ }
+ pattern = new RegExp('^' + pattern);
+ matches = regexpArgStrings.match(pattern);
+ if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
+ // need only groups
+ matches = matches.splice(1);
+ result = result.concat(matches.map(getLength));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // return the list of arg string counts
+ return result;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._parseOptional = function (argString) {
+ var action, optionString, argExplicit, optionTuples;
+ // if it's an empty string, it was meant to be a positional
+ if (!argString) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // if it doesn't start with a prefix, it was meant to be positional
+ if (this.prefixChars.indexOf(argString[0]) < 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // if the option string is present in the parser, return the action
+ if (this._optionStringActions[argString]) {
+ return [ this._optionStringActions[argString], argString, null ];
+ }
+ // if it's just a single character, it was meant to be positional
+ if (argString.length === 1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // if the option string before the "=" is present, return the action
+ if (argString.indexOf('=') >= 0) {
+ optionString = argString.split('=', 1)[0];
+ argExplicit = argString.slice(optionString.length + 1);
+ if (this._optionStringActions[optionString]) {
+ action = this._optionStringActions[optionString];
+ return [ action, optionString, argExplicit ];
+ }
+ }
+ // search through all possible prefixes of the option string
+ // and all actions in the parser for possible interpretations
+ optionTuples = this._getOptionTuples(argString);
+ // if multiple actions match, the option string was ambiguous
+ if (optionTuples.length > 1) {
+ var optionStrings = optionTuples.map(function (optionTuple) {
+ return optionTuple[1];
+ });
+ this.error(format(
+ 'Ambiguous option: "%s" could match %s.',
+ argString, optionStrings.join(', ')
+ ));
+ // if exactly one action matched, this segmentation is good,
+ // so return the parsed action
+ } else if (optionTuples.length === 1) {
+ return optionTuples[0];
+ }
+ // if it was not found as an option, but it looks like a negative
+ // number, it was meant to be positional
+ // unless there are negative-number-like options
+ if (argString.match(this._regexpNegativeNumber)) {
+ if (!this._hasNegativeNumberOptionals.some(Boolean)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positional
+ if (argString.search(' ') >= 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // it was meant to be an optional but there is no such option
+ // in this parser (though it might be a valid option in a subparser)
+ return [ null, argString, null ];
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getOptionTuples = function (optionString) {
+ var result = [];
+ var chars = this.prefixChars;
+ var optionPrefix;
+ var argExplicit;
+ var action;
+ var actionOptionString;
+ // option strings starting with two prefix characters are only split at
+ // the '='
+ if (chars.indexOf(optionString[0]) >= 0 && chars.indexOf(optionString[1]) >= 0) {
+ if (optionString.indexOf('=') >= 0) {
+ var optionStringSplit = optionString.split('=', 1);
+ optionPrefix = optionStringSplit[0];
+ argExplicit = optionStringSplit[1];
+ } else {
+ optionPrefix = optionString;
+ argExplicit = null;
+ }
+ for (actionOptionString in this._optionStringActions) {
+ if (actionOptionString.substr(0, optionPrefix.length) === optionPrefix) {
+ action = this._optionStringActions[actionOptionString];
+ result.push([ action, actionOptionString, argExplicit ]);
+ }
+ }
+ // single character options can be concatenated with their arguments
+ // but multiple character options always have to have their argument
+ // separate
+ } else if (chars.indexOf(optionString[0]) >= 0 && chars.indexOf(optionString[1]) < 0) {
+ optionPrefix = optionString;
+ argExplicit = null;
+ var optionPrefixShort = optionString.substr(0, 2);
+ var argExplicitShort = optionString.substr(2);
+ for (actionOptionString in this._optionStringActions) {
+ if (!$$.has(this._optionStringActions, actionOptionString)) continue;
+ action = this._optionStringActions[actionOptionString];
+ if (actionOptionString === optionPrefixShort) {
+ result.push([ action, actionOptionString, argExplicitShort ]);
+ } else if (actionOptionString.substr(0, optionPrefix.length) === optionPrefix) {
+ result.push([ action, actionOptionString, argExplicit ]);
+ }
+ }
+ // shouldn't ever get here
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(format('Unexpected option string: %s.', optionString));
+ }
+ // return the collected option tuples
+ return result;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getNargsPattern = function (action) {
+ // in all examples below, we have to allow for '--' args
+ // which are represented as '-' in the pattern
+ var regexpNargs;
+ switch (action.nargs) {
+ // the default (null) is assumed to be a single argument
+ case undefined:
+ case null:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*A-*)';
+ break;
+ // allow zero or more arguments
+ case c.OPTIONAL:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*A?-*)';
+ break;
+ // allow zero or more arguments
+ case c.ZERO_OR_MORE:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*[A-]*)';
+ break;
+ // allow one or more arguments
+ case c.ONE_OR_MORE:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*A[A-]*)';
+ break;
+ // allow any number of options or arguments
+ case c.REMAINDER:
+ regexpNargs = '([-AO]*)';
+ break;
+ // allow one argument followed by any number of options or arguments
+ case c.PARSER:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*A[-AO]*)';
+ break;
+ // all others should be integers
+ default:
+ regexpNargs = '(-*' + $$.repeat('-*A', action.nargs) + '-*)';
+ }
+ // if this is an optional action, -- is not allowed
+ if (action.isOptional()) {
+ regexpNargs = regexpNargs.replace(/-\*/g, '');
+ regexpNargs = regexpNargs.replace(/-/g, '');
+ }
+ // return the pattern
+ return regexpNargs;
+// Value conversion methods
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getValues = function (action, argStrings) {
+ var self = this;
+ // for everything but PARSER args, strip out '--'
+ if (action.nargs !== c.PARSER && action.nargs !== c.REMAINDER) {
+ argStrings = argStrings.filter(function (arrayElement) {
+ return arrayElement !== '--';
+ });
+ }
+ var value, argString;
+ // optional argument produces a default when not present
+ if (argStrings.length === 0 && action.nargs === c.OPTIONAL) {
+ value = (action.isOptional()) ? action.constant : action.defaultValue;
+ if (typeof (value) === 'string') {
+ value = this._getValue(action, value);
+ this._checkValue(action, value);
+ }
+ // when nargs='*' on a positional, if there were no command-line
+ // args, use the default if it is anything other than None
+ } else if (argStrings.length === 0 && action.nargs === c.ZERO_OR_MORE &&
+ action.optionStrings.length === 0) {
+ value = (action.defaultValue || argStrings);
+ this._checkValue(action, value);
+ // single argument or optional argument produces a single value
+ } else if (argStrings.length === 1 &&
+ (!action.nargs || action.nargs === c.OPTIONAL)) {
+ argString = argStrings[0];
+ value = this._getValue(action, argString);
+ this._checkValue(action, value);
+ // REMAINDER arguments convert all values, checking none
+ } else if (action.nargs === c.REMAINDER) {
+ value = argStrings.map(function (v) {
+ return self._getValue(action, v);
+ });
+ // PARSER arguments convert all values, but check only the first
+ } else if (action.nargs === c.PARSER) {
+ value = argStrings.map(function (v) {
+ return self._getValue(action, v);
+ });
+ this._checkValue(action, value[0]);
+ // all other types of nargs produce a list
+ } else {
+ value = argStrings.map(function (v) {
+ return self._getValue(action, v);
+ });
+ value.forEach(function (v) {
+ self._checkValue(action, v);
+ });
+ }
+ // return the converted value
+ return value;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getValue = function (action, argString) {
+ var result;
+ var typeFunction = this._registryGet('type', action.type, action.type);
+ if (typeof typeFunction !== 'function') {
+ var message = format('%s is not callable', typeFunction);
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(action, message);
+ }
+ // convert the value to the appropriate type
+ try {
+ result = typeFunction(argString);
+ // ArgumentTypeErrors indicate errors
+ // If action.type is not a registered string, it is a function
+ // Try to deduce its name for inclusion in the error message
+ // Failing that, include the error message it raised.
+ } catch (e) {
+ var name = null;
+ if (typeof action.type === 'string') {
+ name = action.type;
+ } else {
+ name = action.type.name || action.type.displayName || '<function>';
+ }
+ var msg = format('Invalid %s value: %s', name, argString);
+ if (name === '<function>') { msg += '\n' + e.message; }
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(action, msg);
+ }
+ // return the converted value
+ return result;
+ArgumentParser.prototype._checkValue = function (action, value) {
+ // converted value must be one of the choices (if specified)
+ var choices = action.choices;
+ if (choices) {
+ // choise for argument can by array or string
+ if ((typeof choices === 'string' || Array.isArray(choices)) &&
+ choices.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // choise for subparsers can by only hash
+ if (typeof choices === 'object' && !Array.isArray(choices) && choices[value]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof choices === 'string') {
+ choices = choices.split('').join(', ');
+ } else if (Array.isArray(choices)) {
+ choices = choices.join(', ');
+ } else {
+ choices = Object.keys(choices).join(', ');
+ }
+ var message = format('Invalid choice: %s (choose from [%s])', value, choices);
+ throw argumentErrorHelper(action, message);
+ }
+// Help formatting methods
+ * ArgumentParser#formatUsage -> string
+ *
+ * Return usage string
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#printing-help
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.formatUsage = function () {
+ var formatter = this._getFormatter();
+ formatter.addUsage(this.usage, this._actions, this._mutuallyExclusiveGroups);
+ return formatter.formatHelp();
+ * ArgumentParser#formatHelp -> string
+ *
+ * Return help
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#printing-help
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.formatHelp = function () {
+ var formatter = this._getFormatter();
+ // usage
+ formatter.addUsage(this.usage, this._actions, this._mutuallyExclusiveGroups);
+ // description
+ formatter.addText(this.description);
+ // positionals, optionals and user-defined groups
+ this._actionGroups.forEach(function (actionGroup) {
+ formatter.startSection(actionGroup.title);
+ formatter.addText(actionGroup.description);
+ formatter.addArguments(actionGroup._groupActions);
+ formatter.endSection();
+ });
+ // epilog
+ formatter.addText(this.epilog);
+ // determine help from format above
+ return formatter.formatHelp();
+ArgumentParser.prototype._getFormatter = function () {
+ var FormatterClass = this.formatterClass;
+ var formatter = new FormatterClass({ prog: this.prog });
+ return formatter;
+// Print functions
+ * ArgumentParser#printUsage() -> Void
+ *
+ * Print usage
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#printing-help
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.printUsage = function () {
+ this._printMessage(this.formatUsage());
+ * ArgumentParser#printHelp() -> Void
+ *
+ * Print help
+ *
+ * See also [original guide][1]
+ *
+ * [1]:http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html#printing-help
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.printHelp = function () {
+ this._printMessage(this.formatHelp());
+ArgumentParser.prototype._printMessage = function (message, stream) {
+ if (!stream) {
+ stream = process.stdout;
+ }
+ if (message) {
+ stream.write('' + message);
+ }
+// Exit functions
+ * ArgumentParser#exit(status=0, message) -> Void
+ * - status (int): exit status
+ * - message (string): message
+ *
+ * Print message in stderr/stdout and exit program
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.exit = function (status, message) {
+ if (message) {
+ if (status === 0) {
+ this._printMessage(message);
+ } else {
+ this._printMessage(message, process.stderr);
+ }
+ }
+ process.exit(status);
+ * ArgumentParser#error(message) -> Void
+ * - err (Error|string): message
+ *
+ * Error method Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and
+ * exits. If you override this in a subclass,
+ * it should not return -- it should
+ * either exit or throw an exception.
+ *
+ **/
+ArgumentParser.prototype.error = function (err) {
+ var message;
+ if (err instanceof Error) {
+ if (this.debug === true) {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ message = err.message;
+ } else {
+ message = err;
+ }
+ var msg = format('%s: error: %s', this.prog, message) + c.EOL;
+ if (this.debug === true) {
+ throw new Error(msg);
+ }
+ this.printUsage(process.stderr);
+ return this.exit(2, msg);
+module.exports = ArgumentParser;