path: root/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js
diff options
authorJoel Kronqvist <work.joelkronqvist@pm.me>2022-03-11 20:46:06 +0200
committerJoel Kronqvist <work.joelkronqvist@pm.me>2022-03-11 20:46:06 +0200
commit080c5819d87b933816d724a83f3bf4f1686770a7 (patch)
tree4a2ccc68b27edf7d4cbc586c932cc7542b655e19 /node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js
parent5ac7049a9d30733165cc212dee308163c2a14644 (diff)
parentd003b82235a9329f912522a2f70aa950dfce4998 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/JoelHMikael/FoodJS
Updating remote changes
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js b/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d8fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/html/annotator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc.
+ Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
+ */
+'use strict';
+const InsertionText = require('./insertion-text');
+const lt = '\u0001';
+const gt = '\u0002';
+const RE_LT = /</g;
+const RE_GT = />/g;
+const RE_AMP = /&/g;
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+var RE_lt = /\u0001/g;
+// eslint-disable-next-line
+var RE_gt = /\u0002/g;
+function title(str) {
+ return ' title="' + str + '" ';
+function customEscape(text) {
+ text = String(text);
+ return text
+ .replace(RE_AMP, '&amp;')
+ .replace(RE_LT, '&lt;')
+ .replace(RE_GT, '&gt;')
+ .replace(RE_lt, '<')
+ .replace(RE_gt, '>');
+function annotateLines(fileCoverage, structuredText) {
+ const lineStats = fileCoverage.getLineCoverage();
+ if (!lineStats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.entries(lineStats).forEach(([lineNumber, count]) => {
+ if (structuredText[lineNumber]) {
+ structuredText[lineNumber].covered = count > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ structuredText[lineNumber].hits = count;
+ }
+ });
+function annotateStatements(fileCoverage, structuredText) {
+ const statementStats = fileCoverage.s;
+ const statementMeta = fileCoverage.statementMap;
+ Object.entries(statementStats).forEach(([stName, count]) => {
+ const meta = statementMeta[stName];
+ const type = count > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ const startCol = meta.start.column;
+ let endCol = meta.end.column + 1;
+ const startLine = meta.start.line;
+ const endLine = meta.end.line;
+ const openSpan =
+ lt +
+ 'span class="' +
+ (meta.skip ? 'cstat-skip' : 'cstat-no') +
+ '"' +
+ title('statement not covered') +
+ gt;
+ const closeSpan = lt + '/span' + gt;
+ let text;
+ if (type === 'no' && structuredText[startLine]) {
+ if (endLine !== startLine) {
+ endCol = structuredText[startLine].text.originalLength();
+ }
+ text = structuredText[startLine].text;
+ text.wrap(
+ startCol,
+ openSpan,
+ startCol < endCol ? endCol : text.originalLength(),
+ closeSpan
+ );
+ }
+ });
+function annotateFunctions(fileCoverage, structuredText) {
+ const fnStats = fileCoverage.f;
+ const fnMeta = fileCoverage.fnMap;
+ if (!fnStats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.entries(fnStats).forEach(([fName, count]) => {
+ const meta = fnMeta[fName];
+ const type = count > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ // Some versions of the instrumenter in the wild populate 'func'
+ // but not 'decl':
+ const decl = meta.decl || meta.loc;
+ const startCol = decl.start.column;
+ let endCol = decl.end.column + 1;
+ const startLine = decl.start.line;
+ const endLine = decl.end.line;
+ const openSpan =
+ lt +
+ 'span class="' +
+ (meta.skip ? 'fstat-skip' : 'fstat-no') +
+ '"' +
+ title('function not covered') +
+ gt;
+ const closeSpan = lt + '/span' + gt;
+ let text;
+ if (type === 'no' && structuredText[startLine]) {
+ if (endLine !== startLine) {
+ endCol = structuredText[startLine].text.originalLength();
+ }
+ text = structuredText[startLine].text;
+ text.wrap(
+ startCol,
+ openSpan,
+ startCol < endCol ? endCol : text.originalLength(),
+ closeSpan
+ );
+ }
+ });
+function annotateBranches(fileCoverage, structuredText) {
+ const branchStats = fileCoverage.b;
+ const branchMeta = fileCoverage.branchMap;
+ if (!branchStats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.entries(branchStats).forEach(([branchName, branchArray]) => {
+ const sumCount = branchArray.reduce((p, n) => p + n, 0);
+ const metaArray = branchMeta[branchName].locations;
+ let i;
+ let count;
+ let meta;
+ let startCol;
+ let endCol;
+ let startLine;
+ let endLine;
+ let openSpan;
+ let closeSpan;
+ let text;
+ // only highlight if partial branches are missing or if there is a
+ // single uncovered branch.
+ if (sumCount > 0 || (sumCount === 0 && branchArray.length === 1)) {
+ for (
+ i = 0;
+ i < branchArray.length && i < metaArray.length;
+ i += 1
+ ) {
+ count = branchArray[i];
+ meta = metaArray[i];
+ startCol = meta.start.column;
+ endCol = meta.end.column + 1;
+ startLine = meta.start.line;
+ endLine = meta.end.line;
+ openSpan =
+ lt +
+ 'span class="branch-' +
+ i +
+ ' ' +
+ (meta.skip ? 'cbranch-skip' : 'cbranch-no') +
+ '"' +
+ title('branch not covered') +
+ gt;
+ closeSpan = lt + '/span' + gt;
+ // If the branch is an implicit else from an if statement,
+ // then the coverage report won't show a statistic.
+ // Therefore, the previous branch will be used to report that
+ // there is no coverage on that implicit branch.
+ if (
+ count === 0 &&
+ startLine === undefined &&
+ branchMeta[branchName].type === 'if'
+ ) {
+ const prevMeta = metaArray[i - 1];
+ startCol = prevMeta.start.column;
+ endCol = prevMeta.end.column + 1;
+ startLine = prevMeta.start.line;
+ endLine = prevMeta.end.line;
+ }
+ if (count === 0 && structuredText[startLine]) {
+ //skip branches taken
+ if (endLine !== startLine) {
+ endCol = structuredText[
+ startLine
+ ].text.originalLength();
+ }
+ text = structuredText[startLine].text;
+ if (branchMeta[branchName].type === 'if') {
+ // 'if' is a special case
+ // since the else branch might not be visible, being non-existent
+ text.insertAt(
+ startCol,
+ lt +
+ 'span class="' +
+ (meta.skip
+ ? 'skip-if-branch'
+ : 'missing-if-branch') +
+ '"' +
+ title(
+ (i === 0 ? 'if' : 'else') +
+ ' path not taken'
+ ) +
+ gt +
+ (i === 0 ? 'I' : 'E') +
+ lt +
+ '/span' +
+ gt,
+ true,
+ false
+ );
+ } else {
+ text.wrap(
+ startCol,
+ openSpan,
+ startCol < endCol ? endCol : text.originalLength(),
+ closeSpan
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function annotateSourceCode(fileCoverage, sourceStore) {
+ let codeArray;
+ let lineCoverageArray;
+ try {
+ const sourceText = sourceStore.getSource(fileCoverage.path);
+ const code = sourceText.split(/(?:\r?\n)|\r/);
+ let count = 0;
+ const structured = code.map(str => {
+ count += 1;
+ return {
+ line: count,
+ covered: 'neutral',
+ hits: 0,
+ text: new InsertionText(str, true)
+ };
+ });
+ structured.unshift({
+ line: 0,
+ covered: null,
+ text: new InsertionText('')
+ });
+ annotateLines(fileCoverage, structured);
+ //note: order is important, since statements typically result in spanning the whole line and doing branches late
+ //causes mismatched tags
+ annotateBranches(fileCoverage, structured);
+ annotateFunctions(fileCoverage, structured);
+ annotateStatements(fileCoverage, structured);
+ structured.shift();
+ codeArray = structured.map(
+ item => customEscape(item.text.toString()) || '&nbsp;'
+ );
+ lineCoverageArray = structured.map(item => ({
+ covered: item.covered,
+ hits: item.hits > 0 ? item.hits + 'x' : '&nbsp;'
+ }));
+ return {
+ annotatedCode: codeArray,
+ lineCoverage: lineCoverageArray,
+ maxLines: structured.length
+ };
+ } catch (ex) {
+ codeArray = [ex.message];
+ lineCoverageArray = [{ covered: 'no', hits: 0 }];
+ String(ex.stack || '')
+ .split(/\r?\n/)
+ .forEach(line => {
+ codeArray.push(line);
+ lineCoverageArray.push({ covered: 'no', hits: 0 });
+ });
+ return {
+ annotatedCode: codeArray,
+ lineCoverage: lineCoverageArray,
+ maxLines: codeArray.length
+ };
+ }
+module.exports = annotateSourceCode;