path: root/parse.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parse.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/parse.js b/parse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a776f13..0000000
--- a/parse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-function getCharAmount(s, c)
- let n = 0;
- for (let c_i = 0; c_i < s.length; c_i++)
- {
- n += +(s[c_i] === c);
- }
- return n;
-function getNextChar(s, c, i = 0)
- if (!(Number.isInteger(i) && (i >= 0)))
- return -1;
- for (; i < s.length; i++)
- {
- if (s[i] === c)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-function getNextLine(s, i)
- i = getNextChar(s, "\n", i);
- i += +(i !== -1) * 1;
- return i;
-function getToLineStartingWith(s, ss, start = 0)
- if (!(Number.isInteger(start) && (start >= 0)))
- return -1
- let i = start;
- do
- {
- if (s.substring(i, i + ss.length) === ss)
- break;
- i = getNextLine(s, i);
- } while(i !== -1)
- return i;
-function findExpression(data, expr, start = 0)
- if (start == -1)
- return -1;
- if (!(Number.isInteger(start) && (start >= 0)))
- throw new TypeError("Start must be a positive integer!");
- while ((data.substring(start, start + expr.length) !== expr) && (start + expr.length < data.length))
- start++;
- if (data.substring(start, start + expr.length) !== expr)
- return -1;
- return start;
-function parseCluttered(s)
- if (!(typeof s === "string"))
- return "";
- return s.replaceAll(".", "").replaceAll(" ", "").toUpperCase();
-function parseClasses(classData, DB)
- classData = parseCluttered(classData) + "\n"; // newline so that loop can find last value
- // parse data to dict
- let classes = {};
- let i = 0;
- while (i < classData.length)
- {
- let separator = getNextChar(classData, ":", i);
- let lineEnd = getNextChar(classData, "\n", i);
- let key = classData.substring(i, separator);
- let val = classData.substring(separator + 1, lineEnd);
- i = lineEnd + 1;
- classes[key] = val;
- }
- for (let day = 0; day < DB.length; day++)
- {
- let shifts = DB[day];
- for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(shifts))
- {
- DB[day][key].push([]);
- let indexes = val[0]; // use courses: the classes are paired to them and they are unique with a higher probability
- for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
- {
- DB[day][key][2].push(classes[indexes[i]]);
- }
- }
- }
-function parseLine(line, toRemove = " ja KAHDEN TUTKINNON OPINNOT 1., 2. ja 3. VUOSITASON RYHMÄT ")
- let i = 0;
- let courses = [];
- let teachers = [];
- let nextSpace = 0;
- if (line.substring(line.length - toRemove.length, line.length) === toRemove)
- line = line.substring(0, line.length - toRemove.length);
- line = line.replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll("ja ", "").replaceAll(" + ", "+");
- while (i < line.length)
- {
- if (line[i] === "+")
- {
- nextSpace = getNextChar(line, " ", i);
- let nextNextSpace = getNextChar(line, " ", nextSpace + 1);
- if (nextNextSpace === -1)
- nextNextSpace = line.length;
- line = `${line.substring(0, i)} ${line.substring(nextSpace + 1, nextNextSpace)} ${line.substring(i + 1, line.length)}`;
- i = nextNextSpace - 1;
- }
- i++;
- }
- nextSpace = 0;
- i = 0;
- const getElement = list =>
- {
- nextSpace = getNextChar(line, " ", i);
- if (nextSpace === -1)
- nextSpace = line.length;
- list.push(line.substring(i, nextSpace));
- i = nextSpace + 1;
- }
- do
- {
- getElement(courses);
- getElement(teachers);
- } while (i < line.length)
- return [courses, teachers];
-function parseDay(day)
- let shifts = {};
- let i = getToLineStartingWith(day, "RUOKAILUVUORO");
- do
- {
- let endOfLine = getNextChar(day, "\n", i);
- let shiftDesc = day.substring(i, endOfLine);
- i = getNextChar(day, "\n", i) + 1;
- i = getNextChar(day, "\n", i) + 1;
- if (getNextChar(day, "\n", i) === -1)
- endOfLine = day.length;
- else
- endOfLine = getNextChar(day, "\n", i);
- let unparsedIndexes = day.substring(i, endOfLine);
- shifts[shiftDesc] = parseLine(unparsedIndexes);
- i = getToLineStartingWith(day, "RUOKAILUVUORO", i);
- } while (i !== -1);
- return shifts;
- let i = 0;
- let db = [];
- while (db.length < weekdays.length)
- {
- let day = [];
- i = getNextChar(data, "\n", findExpression(data, weekdays[db.length]));
- let end;
- if (db.length === weekdays.length - 1)
- end = data.length;
- else
- end = findExpression(data, weekdays[db.length + 1]);
- let unparsedDay = data.substring(i + 1, end);
- day = parseDay(unparsedDay);
- db.push(day);
- }
- return db;
- * DB structure:
- * WEEKDAY - list
- * FOOD SHIFTS - dict
- * maybe: CLASSES - list
- */
-function getIndexType(index)
- if (/^[A-Za-zåäöÅÄÖ]{2,3}\d{2,3}$/.test(index))
- return "course";
- if (/^[A-Za-zåäöÅÄÖ]{4}$/.test(index))
- return "teacher";
- if (/^\w\d{3}$/.test(index))
- return "class";
-function getShift(day, index, db) // day: int, 1 = monday; index: string of course/teacher; db: parsed shifts
- if ((typeof day !== "number") || isNaN(day) || (typeof index !== "string"))
- return -1;
- let shifts = db[day - 1];
- let _endOfIndex = parseInt(index.substring(2, 4));
- let type = getIndexType(index);
- if (type === undefined)
- return {};
- let type_index = +(type === "teacher") + (+(type === "class") * 2);
- let res = {};
- for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(shifts))
- {
- let indexes = val[type_index];
- for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
- {
- if (indexes[i] === index)
- res[key] = [val[0][i], val[1][i], val[2][i]];
- }
- }
- return res;
-function randInt(start, stop)
- return start + Math.floor(Math.random() * (stop - start));
-function getIndexes(db, day, shift, type)
- let d = db[day];
- let sh = Object.values(d)[shift][type];
- return Object.values(db[day])[shift][type];
-function getRandomIndex(db, day = randInt(0, 5), shift = randInt(0, 3), type = randInt(0, 3))
- let el;
- let i = 0;
- let indexes = getIndexes(db, day, shift, type);
- while ((el === undefined) && (i < indexes.length))
- {
- el = indexes[i];
- i++;
- }
- if (el == undefined)
- return getRandomIndex(db);
- return el;
-exports.build = parseShift;
-exports.indexType = getIndexType;
-exports.classes = parseClasses;
-exports.get = getShift;
-exports.cluttered = parseCluttered;
-exports.find = findExpression;
-exports.getNextChar = getNextChar;
-exports.randomIndex = getRandomIndex;